Well, I was buried in It over the Thanksgiving holidays (you can take your best guess as to what “It” was), so I figured I’d better get something posted as we approach Christmas.
On December 11th we had our club Christmas party, hosted by the Moose Lodge and catered by Rodeo City Bar-B-Q: delicious turkey with all the fixin’s (I especially liked the cornbread muffins!). The white elephant gift exchange was a lot of fun, even though my handy multi-tool got stolen (again!). I did end up with a nice horseshoe napkin holder (made by our very own president Barry). I guess since I’m a slob and don’t use napkins (or maybe I’m just fastidious), I may be able to put it to use to hold all of the trail ridin’ DVDs that I seem to be collecting these days.
At any rate, a grand time was had by all!