Well, folks, we finally got winter! Which is a good thing for our summer irrigation, but put a crimp in all those mid-winter rides we’ve been enjoying. Who ever thought we’d be riding in sweatshirts in January??
At our January meeting, new officers were installed:

And the annual “Shiny Seat” mileage awards were handed out.
Also coming up:
My understanding is that John L. has purchased a table, and invited any club members who want to join him.
Barb Apple Clinic
Last I heard, most of the riding spots for the clinic, March 18-19, were spoken for, but contact Barb B. if you are interested–she’s the one taking deposits, so she’ll know if there is any more room. Information will be forthcoming on auditing, but my understanding is that the Club will be helping with the cost of observers.
Be watching
You should be getting your Tailwind by email or snail mail, this next week or so, and we’ll see y’all at our February meeting at the Cattlemen’s on the 9th.